15th Mar, 2014
Launch of Provamel Organic Almond Drink 200ml and Rice-Coco Drink 200ml
We are pleased to announce the launch of Provamel Organic Almond drink 200ml and Organic Rice-Coco drink 200ml […]
14th Mar, 2014
Event: Choosee Shop in Isetan
We are pleased to advise that CHOOSEE in Isetan will be open from March 15-25, 2014. We will showcase a wide r […]
2nd Mar, 2014
Price Increase from April 1st
We wish to advise that we need to increase the prices for some of our products from April 1st, 2014. This is d […]
1st Feb, 2014
Launch of Gobble organic raisins, sultanas, and currants from Australia
We are pleased to announce the launch of Gobble, organic raisins, sultanas, and currants. Gobble is a range of […]
27th Jan, 2014
Launch of Sanabios organic Pasta Sauces from Italy
We are pleased to announce the launch of Sanabios organic pasta sauces from Italy. Sanabios is the brand of L’ […]
20th Jan, 2014
Fiordifrutta Blueberry Quality Assurance
OUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY & SAFETY Tokyo, 19 January 2013 1. ISSUE Fiordifrutta is the leading brand of ja […]
1st Dec, 2013
Launch of Danival organic soups and grains from South-West France
We are pleased to announce the launch of Danival organic soups and grains. At Moulin d’Andiran, in the Lot-et- […]
29th Oct, 2013
Notification of radioactivity test results for Fiordifrutta organic blueberry fruit spread”
お客様各位 2013年10月29日 MIE PROJECT株式会社 代表取締役 デューコ B デルゴージュ 「フィオールディフルッタ オーガニック フルーツスプレッド」 現在発売中のラインナップに関する放射性物質検査結果 […]
20th Oct, 2013
Product recall notification and apology.
商品回収に関するお詫びとお知らせ お客様各位 平素は格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。 この度、弊社が輸入・販売する「フィオール ディ フルッタ オーガニック フルーツスプレッド ブルーベリー 250g」におきま […]
1st Oct, 2012
New Clipper Tea Infusions
We are pleased to introduce a new range of 6 delightful infusions from Clipper Tea, each one carefully blended […]